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Social Consequences Associated with Gum Disease.

Wednesday, Mar. 19th 2014 10:50 AM

Gum Disease Has Far-Reaching Consequences that many people either over look of feel it is not a  significant problem to address.  Even though many people may suffer from various forms of gum disease, few realize how their ailment can be perceived by others.   Dr. Alex Farnoosh  a Periodontist Specialist in Beverly Hills California states while gingivitis may not seem like a significant problem to many unsuspecting people, dental professionals all over the world agree that it is a serious complication and can lead to more overlooked issues that can impact a person’s health, well- being, and even happiness.

Beverly Hills periodontist Dr. Alex Farnoosh of The Total Smile, argues that gum disease can, and will if untreated, create unsightly cosmetic problems like discolored gums, bleeding around the gum line and eventually tooth loss.

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